Danny Cronson






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About Danny Cronson

Danny Cronson was born in Chicago, Illinois in the early 90s. From an early age Danny showed an affinity for the spotlight, with numerous appearances in his high school drama productions. It wasn’t until Danny turned 16 and having been inspired by his brother who bought his first guitar, that he discovered the guitar and had found his true calling. Danny became a devout student of the craft of playing music and dove head first into the world of the performing arts. Danny believed that above all else, honing your skill and being dedicated to the craft was of the utmost importance. He spent years busking on the cold, windswept streets of inner-city Chicago. This would lead to his residency as a solo performer in many Chicago establishments. And although Danny spent year after year as an unknown, and mostly unheard performer, he never lost his zeal for the pursuit of music. Even after being attacked and stolen from on the streets of Chicago during one busking outing, he never lost his motivation. Danny still owns his first guitar, a red Fender Squire, and it remains on his wall today as a constant reminder of his dedication to the art of guitar playing.